About Ellington Financial

We acquire and manage mortgage-related, consumer-related, corporate-related, and other financial assets.


Our primary objective is to generate attractive, risk-adjusted total returns for our stockholders by making investments that we believe compensate us appropriately for the associated risks. Ellington Financial invests in a diverse array of financial assets, including residential and commercial mortgage loans, residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities, consumer loans and asset-backed securities backed by consumer loans, collateralized loan obligations, non-mortgage and mortgage-related derivatives, strategic debt and equity investments in loan origination companies, and other strategic investments.

Our Manager

Ellington Financial is managed by an affiliate of Ellington Management Group, L.L.C.


Ellington Management Group, L.L.C. (“Ellington”) is a registered investment adviser with deep expertise in diversified credit, mortgage and related markets. Ellington Financial benefits from Ellington’s more than 29-year history of investing in a broad spectrum of mortgage-backed securities and related derivatives.

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Assets Under Management



own the firm


Years of average industry experience
of senior portfolio managers

As of 6/30/2024
Our Investment Strategy

We utilize an opportunistic strategy to seek to generate attractive, risk-adjusted returns.


We pursue value across various types of mortgage-related, consumer-related, corporate-related, and other financial assets, through investments primarily in loans and securities. Ellington's continued emphasis on and development of proprietary credit, interest rate, and prepayment models, as well as other proprietary research and analytics, underscores the importance it places on a disciplined and analytical approach to fixed income investing.

With respect to loans, we have tended to focus on underserved, niche market segments where inefficiencies exist, and where the segment's size or complexity could present a barrier to entry. By investing opportunistically in both loans and securities, we believe that we are able to achieve attractive diversification and can take advantage of relative value across investment classes. In addition to originating and acquiring loans, we also make strategic debt and equity investments in loan originators.

With respect to structured products including MBS, Ellington seeks investments across a wide range of sectors without any restriction as to ratings, structure, or position in the capital structure. By rotating between and allocating among various sectors of the structured product markets and adjusting the extent to which it hedges, Ellington believes that it is able to capitalize on the disparities between these sectors as well as on overall trends in the marketplace, and therefore provide better and more consistent returns for its investors. 


Ellington Financial is led by a board of directors and seasoned team of officers, with extensive experience in the mortgage securities business including both buy and sell side experience.

Meet the team

Why Ellington Financial?

Diversified Icon
Diversified investment portfolio across residential mortgage, commercial mortgage, consumer loan, and corporate loan sectors
Alignment icon
Proprietary portfolio of high-yielding, short-duration loans
Volatility Icon
Dynamic interest-rate and credit hedging designed to reduce volatility of book value and earnings
Strategic debt and equity investments in multiple loan originators, including reverse mortgage originator Longbridge Financial
Diversified sources of financing, including long term non mark-to-market financing facilities and securitizations
Alignment icon
Strong alignment with
6% co-investment